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Early Learning (Ages 3 - 6)

Nourish curiosity and individual growth
Our qualified teachers mentor each individual to learn and grow through their individual interests and passions.
Learn to freely express yourself
Children sing and dance during German class
Enjoy school life
Early Learning - nurture individual creativity and passions
Develop learning goals and plans to achieve them
Early Learning - qualified teachers specialised in Early Childhood pedagogy.

Early Learning classrooms resemble a beehive. This might sound loud or look messy. But if you tune in closely, you will notice that our students are inspired and deeply engaged in their learning (and play).

BIS Early Learning brings to life the best of kindergarten, nursery, pre-school and crèche. 

Curious minds fall in love with learning

Young kindergarten aged child looks closely at a large spider


Young children learn and develop at different rates and in different ways.

Our Early Learning (EL) Programme allows for learning to match each student’s needs. Our teachers anchor learning goals for each child around their interests and individual progress.

Our students develop an authentic passion for learning as we nourish their natural curiosity.


If you would like more information about our Early Years Programme, please do not hesitate to contact our PYP Coordinator and Assistant Principal, Katie Paterson.

Our Assistant Primary Principal connects with child about their current interests


Teachers track the progress of each child in our Early Learning Programme and develop paths for future development. Parents receive regular and timely written feedback as well as photos and videos of their children while learning.


Teachers balance learning and play

Our EL curriculum balances learning through play, directed teacher guidance and carefully planned learning experiences. This curriculum follows the Primary Years framework of the International Baccalaureate (IB) and is staffed by qualified teachers. They understand how to best support children at this stage in their development. Additional teachers for Art, German and Physical Education compliment classroom teachers and their assistants.  

Young boys learns how to measure pictures of animals


Thriving in an international environment

Class size in EL is limited to a maximum of 20 children, with an assigned teacher and teaching assistant.

This gives every student the chance to shine, and the chance for individualized attention. Learning in an international environment, with many different nationalities represented, offers a rich and inspiring experience for the children in our EL Programme. 

Early Learning teacher helps young boy to make a snowman

Early Learning 3/4

Our 3 and 4 year old students learn together in a mixed age setting, with each child assigned to a specific teacher. Based on their learning needs, interests and developmental levels, children work and play in different groups throughout the day.

  • EL 3/4 students receive daily direct instruction in social skills, phonics, literacy and mathematics for short periods of time.
  • The school day still has plenty of time for independent inquiry, fun and adventure.
  • Admission into the EL Programmes is determined by date of birth. As soon as children turn 3 years old, we invite them to enter our EL3/4 Programme.
  • Children must be toilet-trained before entering EL 3/4.

Early Learning 5

EL 5 is a transition year maintaining the fun and play that helps children learn while gradually introducing the skills needed for entry into Grade 1. EL 5 is excellent preparation for entering Grade 1 and the learning expectations associated with it.

  • Every school day integrates mathematical and literacy skills.
  • The time spent in instruction sessions increases throughout the school year so that students are able to concentrate and participate in activities for longer periods of time.

Classes are taught in English with additional language support for students whose first language is not English.

Every student at BIS learns German. In Early Learning, German lessons are based on narratives and story-telling. These correlate closely to the work done to broaden English language skills.

After school care is available in our Kidz Klub, where children can remain on campus up to 18:00. This after-school care is available every school day and may be used on a regular or spontaneous basis.

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