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Our Alumni

High School Graduate Class of 21 outside building

Greetings BIS Dragons, Dragon Teachers and Dragon Parents!

Welcome home

Whether you were a student here for a few years or are one of our graduates, whether you worked here or were one of our parents, you remain a BIS Dragon even after you have moved on. Welcome back, welcome home.

"Once a Dragon, always a Dragon"

We are delighted that you are back in contact, and we are curious about where life has taken you post-BIS. 

Join our BIS Alumni Association to (re)connect with your old classmates, favorite teachers, colleagues and other parents and those of us still at BIS. Joining is free of charge and simply requires filling out this form. This should take you less than 5 minutes.

What does the BIS Alumni Association offer?

  • Invitations and information to events, both on campus and at locations around the world (remember how fun BIS parties are?)
  • Support for reunions, either hosting them on campus or providing BIS merchandise
  • Opportunities to give back to BIS by helping students with career advice, mentoring and job placement

Our Alumni can also stay connected by following BIS on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn.

Plan a reunion

Class of 2014 + any alumni who would like to stop in: Friday, 4 October 2024, 8:30 - 12:00
RSVP via this link

We love to support events organized independently by our Alumni in addition to those we plan ourselves. Thinking about doing your own 5 , 10, 15 or 20 year celebrations or any years in between? We gladly support these reunions too -- whether in Bonn or elsewhere.

If you are a BIS Alumni (whether student, family member or teacher) and are interested in more information on any of the events above, or wish to organize a reunion for your class, contact Jana in Admissions


International Day: Saturday, 7 June 2025, 12:00 - 16:00

Stop in for some fantastic food and catching up at one of our school's beloved end of the school year traditions. Every year is a special treat - if you are in town, you don't want to miss this.

To let us know you are coming by or to get more information, get in touch with Jana Jazic in our Admissions Office either by sending an email or giving her a ring under +49 (0) 228 308 54 151.

Reconnect through our Alumni Association

Get in touch with your old classmates, favorite teachers, colleagues and other parents and those of us still at BIS through the BIS Alumni Association, or just catch up on our news. Joining the Alumni Association is free of charge and simply requires filling out this form.

I know we have been successful as a school when alumni come back to visit because BIS wasn't just a place of learning, but a place of belonging.

Peter Owen, Secondary School Principal

We support alumni reunions with merchandise and events, and sometimes special guests.
Our annual London alumni reunion is hosted every January and brings together alumni from the early 2000s to now.
London reunions bring our alumni from many years together to catch up and reconnect.
Whoop whoop! Our London reunion brought together 40 alumni from 2 decades.
Our alumni are always welcome back to campus, to see what has changed and to meet up with their former teachers.
Alumni from the Bonn American High School alumni, one of the schools which became BIS, are our alumni and welcome back!
We love nothing more than seeing our alumni, whether at our annual London event, or back on campus.
Alumni and their families came to visit us on campus to celebrate 20 years as BIS alumni.
Some parents and students stay in Bonn after graduation -- we welcome them for International Day, Welcome BBQ & other events.

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